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Upon enrolling in the Black Hills Suzuki School, the parent begins a five to six week parent education class, which includes reading resource materials, participating in class discussions, learning to play the beginning pieces on the instrument, and observing lessons and classes. Following the parent class, the child begins classes where s/he will use a box instrument and dowel bow for several weeks

before "graduating" to the real instrument and bow.

This class stays together through the end of the

school year, learning and polishing basic skills

on the instruments. 


After completing the first year class, the student will be integrated into the regular program, which includes placement in a teacher's studio for private lessons, in a group class, and in a Master class. Students are expected to participate in their school orchestra program as soon as they reach the appropriate age.

Private lessons are scheduled weekly for thirty minutes, forty-five or sixty minutes, depending on the age and level of the child. Group classes are usually held weekly in four-to-five week trimesters throughout the school year. Group lessons give students the opportunity to practice new techiques and to review musical repertoire in a class setting.

Master classes are small group lessons in which students perform for one another, parents, and a teacher. The class, under the guidance of the teacher, discusses each performance and gives the student helpful suggestions. Students are assigned to a master class according to their age and their playing level. Master classes are held on four Tuesdays during the school year at the First United Methodist Church on Kansas City Street.

Students perform in one of three solo recitals each year. An all-school group concert is presented during the spring. Students are given many performance opportunities through service and community organizations, tours, and home and book recitals. A weekend workshop provides an opportunity for students to work with master teachers from around the country right here in Rapid City.

Each year, the School sponsors the Black Hills String Retreat which integrates "traditional" and Suzuki-trained students in a music camp setting. Clinicians of the highest caliber work with campers in group classes, master classes, and orchestras. The String Retreat takes place over five days at the end of July.

  Twinkle Class
  What Does the Black Hills Suzuki School Offer? 
Twinkle Class Fees

Parent class                                  $120.00

(6 weeks - 60-90 minutes each class - parents learn instrument and discuss materials on the Suzuki method)


Materials fee                                 $160.00 (this includes 4-5 music/textbooks on the Suzuki method, room rental, supplies etc.) 


Returning families            $60.00-$80.00                                                           for year

Monthly tuition

November-May      $83.00 ($580.00 total)

Suzuki School Fees

2024-25 Student Fee                 $175.00


This fee covers the cost of our School's activities,  including costs for recitals and concerts, workshops and festivals.


2024-25 Lesson Tuition


Per Academic Year:

30 minutes                                   $900.00

45 minutes                                 $1350.00 

60 minutes                                 $1800.00


Or pay in monthly installments 


30 minutes                                   $100.00

45 minutes                                   $150.00 

60 minutes                                   $200.00


Or pay by the semester

(two equal payments of)


30 minutes                                   $450.00

45 minutes                                   $675.00 

60 minutes                                   $900.00


(all lesson tuition is paid to lesson instructors)​

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